Facility-Based Programs
Nursing Facilities
A nursing facility provides 24-hour care for rehabilitative, restorative and ongoing skilled-nursing care to patients or residents in need of assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, transferring, toileting and eating. Learn more.
Individuals qualify medically for long-term care facility services if they:
- Meet the level of care criteria for admission to a nursing facility, and
- Have an order from a physician licensed in Louisiana for admission into a nursing facility, and
- Are screened prior to admission for a history or active treatment of mental illness and/or mental retardation/developmental disabilities according to federal regulations.
The Office of Aging and Adult Services determines levels of care for all individuals prior to their admission to Medicaid-certified nursing facilities. Level of care determinations are made for all individuals regardless of the individual's payor source.
Nursing Facility COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Memos
- March 24, 2020 - Temporary Suspension of Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR)
- March 31, 2020 - Continued Stay Requests During COVID-19 Emergency
- April 28, 2020 - Continuation of LDH Notices and Orders Due to COVID-19 Outbreak
- May 5, 2020 - ICF/IID and Nursing Facility Guidance
- May 7, 2020 - Reporting COVID-19 Information & Compliance with CMS Requirements
- June 12, 2020 - Lifting of Temporary Suspension of Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR)
MDS 3.0 Section Q
Version 3.0 of the MDS, implemented on October 1, 2010, improves the ability of Nursing facilities to assist residents that are interested in returning to the community. Section Q of the MDS is designed to give residents a voice, and increase communication and collaboration between providers of services. Residents are asked directly if they want to talk to someone about returning to the community. A "yes" response triggers a referral to a Local Contact Agency (LCA). Staff from the LCA will either call or visit the resident to talk about their options.
The LCA staff will address:
- Housing Options: https://www.lahousingsearch.org/
- Services to assist with the resident's medical and personal needs
- Programs that may help to pay for services (e.g., Medicaid, Medicare, Private Insurance)
Effective August 21, 2014, the OAAS Regional Offices will serve as the LCA.
Additional Resources:
Villa Feliciana Medical Complex
The LDH Office of Aging and Adult Services operates one long-term care facility:
To inquire about nursing facility services, call the Louisiana Options in Long Term Care Help Line at 1.877.456.1146 (TTY 1.855.296.0226). Call Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The call is free.
Guide to Nursing Facility Admissions and Continued Stay Requests
OAAS Guide Issued November 28, 2018
Admissions and Continued Stay Requests Presentation July 2019
Admissions and Continued Stay Requests Presentation (Recorded) July 2019
Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Reviews (PASRR)
Level I PASRR Screen and Determination Form
Instructions for Completing the PASRR Level I Screen
Transition of The Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) Level 1 Process to Online System
The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH), Office of Aging and Adult Services (OAAS) is pleased to announce that they have selected a new partner, Maximus, for the fulfillment of the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) Level I screens. The PASRR Level I program will transition to the new online system for screening individuals who are applying for admission to Medicaid-certified nursing facilities. The primary goal of the federally mandated PASRR assessment is to determine whether the nursing home is the appropriate placement for individuals with serious mental illness (SMI), intellectual disabilities (ID), or related conditions (RC). PASRR also works as a critical function to help match individuals with the care and services they need.
These planned changes will go into effect on March 10, 2025. As we take steps toward this transition date, we want to ensure that you are comfortable with the updated processes and any changes to your existing role. It is also important to have accounts set up in AssessmentPro, the Maximus online system for assessment management, and be ready to perform PASRR-related functions. To avoid any delays in submission of PASRR Level I screens after the planned March 10, 2025 launch date, it’s critical that you and your team are ready for these changes.
For more information regarding the transition of the PASRR Level I Screening to an online system, please visit the Maximus Louisiana PASRR Provider Tools and Resources page.
Below are links to a webinar held in May 2018 and the slides presented in the webinar:
The links below provide general information to referral sources who complete the PASRR Level 1 Screens:
- OCDD PASRR Referral Contact Information and Procedure Reminder
- Healthy Louisiana Information Bulletin 16-4. Issue: PASRR Process for NH Placement
Continued Stay Requests
For individuals known or suspected of having mental illness, refer to the documents below:
- OBH: Memo Regarding Required Documentation for the PASRR Process - December 4, 2017
- OBH: Memo Clarifying Dementia Requirements for OBH Level II - May 30, 2018
Dementia Training for Health Professionals
Per an act of the 2008 Legislative session, dementia training is required for all staff in nursing facilities or adult residential care facilities licensed by the Louisiana Department of Health.
In order to satisfy the requirement that the dementia training is “evidence based,” LDH has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with LSU's Pennington Biomedical Research Center (PBRC). PBRC will review curricula and certify that curricula meet legislative requirements.
Facilities may begin staff training as soon as they obtain an approved curriculum.
Application materials and descriptions of the curriculum requirements can be found at: https://idrp.pbrc.edu/
- Memorandum regarding the CMS Hand in Hand Toolkit
- Memorandum regarding continuing education and the CMS Hand in Hand Toolkit
- Memorandum announcing designation of PBRC