Vaccine Preventable Disease Outbreaks

The Louisiana Immunization Program has a knowledgeable and dedicated staff conducting vaccine preventable disease surveillance and investigations. When necessary, the Program implements appropriate outbreak control measures within the framework of the current Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases Manual and the Louisiana MMRV Outbreak Investigation Guide. Our staff collaborate with the Louisiana Office of Public Health's Infectious Disease Epidemiology Program for preparedness and response efforts at the State and Regional levels for all diseases with an available vaccine. The Immunization and Epidemiology Programs both utilize the Louisiana vaccine preventable disease reporting system, called IDRIS2, to conduct disease surveillance.

The Louisiana Sanitary Code 51 provides exclusion authority for non-vaccinated children to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. Immunization Consultants are responsible for the epidemiological investigation, follow-up and exclusion of those students found non-compliant with the Louisiana Immunization law or who may be susceptible due to inappropriate.

Current vaccine preventable disease outbreaks in Louisiana

Hepatitis A

The Louisiana Office of Public Health (OPH) is currently investigating an outbreak of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infections in Louisiana. This increase in cases mirrors the hepatitis A outbreaks occurring in other states, which are affecting the following risk groups:

  • People reporting drug use (injection and non-injection);
  • People experiencing homelessness;
  • Men who have sex with men;
  • Incarcerated or recently incarcerated individuals; and
  • People who have been in close contact with someone infected with Hepatitis A.

The public health response has included notifications to healthcare providers, offering vaccinations to people who are at high risk for HAV, and public education campaigns. For more information and resources related to the current hepatitis A outbreak in Louisiana, click here.