Mumps - School Settings

What are the requirements for mumps vaccination in school settings?

LOUISIANA STATE LAW requires the following prior to school entry:

Preschool/kindergarten:  two MMR shots, along with other required vaccines.

Sixth grade (11 -12 years of age): two MMR shots, in addition to other required vaccines.

Institutions of higher learning (college): two MMR shots, along with other required vaccines.

Some people may be exempt from these requirements.

What is the guidance for staff in a school?

Teachers and all staff should have their immune status verified. All staff should be educated on hygiene, prevention and signs and symptoms of disease.

Should students without acceptable presumptive evidence of immunity be excluded from school?

Schools can make the decision to exclude students in consultation with public health authorities. To assist with control of mumps outbreaks in schools and colleges, students with zero doses of MMR vaccine and with no other evidence of mumps immunity might be excluded from schools and colleges affected by a mumps outbreak or excluded from schools that are unaffected but deemed by local public health authorities to be at risk for transmission of disease. Excluded students can be readmitted immediately after they are vaccinated. Students who have been exempted from mumps vaccination for medical, religious, or other reasons might be excluded until the outbreak is over.

Where can I get more information on mumps?

  • Your health care provider
  • Centers for Disease Control & Prevention:
