For Public Health Professionals
The Center for Preventive & Community Health conducts a variety of programs and services designed to improve public health measures in Louisiana. Programs and services this center offers through the LDH Office of Public Health include screenings, health needs assessments, laboratory testing services, infectious disease reporting and nutrition programs.
As a Health Professional you may find the following programs as a resource of information to your area of interest:
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Genetic Diseases - The Louisiana Genetic Diseases Program was established in 1981 through a federal grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Learn more. |
Hearing Detection and Intervention Program - The goal of the Louisiana Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program (LA EHDI) is to ensure that all infants who are deaf or hard of hearing can achieve their maximum potential through early screening, detection and intervention. Learn more. |
Hepatitis Program - The purpose of the Louisiana Perinatal Hepatitis B Program is to eliminate the spread of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) from mother-to-child transmission in the State of Louisiana. CDC recommends that all newborns receive the "birth dose" of the HBV vaccine prior to discharge from the birthing hospital/ birthing facility. Learn more. |
STD/HIV Program - The STD/HIV Program (SHP) administers statewide and regional programs designed to prevent the transmission of STDs and HIV, to ensure the availability of quality medical and social services for those diagnosed with an STD or HIV, and to track the impact of the STD and HIV epidemics in Louisiana. Learn more. |
Infectious Disease Epidemiology Program - The Infectious Disease Epidemiology section is staffed by epidemiologists and support staff who act as disease detectives to track the causes and consequences of infectious diseases. This section studies the distribution of communicable diseases in the community and coordinates programs and efforts to prevent their spread. Learn more. |
Links - This web application allows enrolled users to conveniently search for patients in the LINKS Central Registry and to view the patients' vaccination record. In addition, authorized users can add and edit patient records and vaccination records, as well as maintain facility, physician, and lot number data. Learn more. |
Louisiana Birth Defects Monitoring Program - Our mission is to prevent birth defects and birth defect-related disabilities in Louisiana's children. |
Partners for Healthy Babies - connects Louisiana moms and their families to health and pregnancy resources, services and information. Learn more. |
Tuberculosis Control Program, Learn more. |
West Nile and Other Arboviruses, Learn more. |
Yellow Fever Vaccination Certification Program - State law (Administrative Code, Title 51. Public Health-Sanitary Code, Section 905) in accord with the 1977 mandate of the federal government (United States Public Health Service Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or "CDC") requires that a physician in non-federal medical facilities offering and administering yellow fever vaccine to patients be certified by the state Office of Public Health (OPH) to do so and that the certified physician use an official stamp to validate that the vaccine was given as documented in the international travel certificate. |