State Epidemiologist

The goal of the State Epidemiologist is to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in Louisiana. The Infectious Disease Epidemiology section, headed by the Public Health State Epidemiologist, is staffed by Public Health Epidemiologists and support staff who track the causes and consequences of infectious diseases. The purpose of this section is to study the distribution of infectious diseases in the community and to carry out or coordinate programs that prevent the spread of communicable diseases.


Although epidemiological studies contributed to the establishment of the Louisiana Board of Health in 1855, a full time epidemiological team was not established until 1955. In July of 1954, the State Health Officer authorized the development of a full time epidemiological team composed of specialists from the basic public health disciplines. The function of the team was to assist the parish health unit personnel in investigating cases of communicable diseases, to conduct special epidemiological studies, and to assist with epidemiology educational programs.

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